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So, you are chasing a dream! What better can it be if you do it in the United States, Canada, and the UK!
You can always fulfill the dream by showing your exploits at the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) or American College Testing (ACT), which is the official test for a dream career in the United States. At Credible-I, we believe that clearing the SAT/ACT test is not difficult at all if you prepare yourself with strong determination. Additionally, you need the right guidance that you can get at the best with us.
Credible Eye puts the interests of the students at the top. We believe we are different from others, and that we believe because of a few characteristics that put us ahead. As a student, you must know about these characteristic features so that you could grow confidence with us. Have a look:

In-depth Knowledge On Subject Matter:

At Credible Eye, we vest 100% confidence in the expertise and subject-matter knowledge of our faculty members. They take care of every single point while sharing their knowledge with the students. Right from theoretical knowledge to practical adaptation, they focus on everything that students need to enrich them. Remember, the highest level of tutoring gets the students ready for the toughest competition at SAT/ACT.

Practice Tests:

We believe that practice makes you perfect as far as academic preparations are concerned. The more you practice, the better the success rate would be. To make the concept clear for you, our teachers conduct classes and set practice tests for you. They evaluate the answer scripts, and then discuss everything for you to make you notice your performance, especially the weaknesses that you would need to overcome.

Diagnostic Tests:

You cannot avoid diagnostic tests if you wish to clear the SAT/ACT to get admission to the top universities in the United States. Credible Eye does it for you. The main objective of this test is to assess your ability or the potential to score high in these tests. Usually, you need to appear in these tests without any preparations at all. Our experts spend time with every student to ensure boosting their potential to perform well in the coveted tests.
The test usually consists of 30 questions-10 questions each for Mathematics, English, and Writing. You would need to answer them following the instructions that appear with each question. We are sure you would love to participate in diagnostic tests if you have not appeared already. Remember the test is vital to boost your mental ability and agility to answer the questions in the tests you are planning to appear.

Unique Curriculum:

Our uniquely-designed curriculum is our strength. The credit to design the curriculum once again goes to the faculty members. They have been very wise to pin-point every characteristic that they find very important for the students to know and practice. It focuses on imparting the best instructions to the students to get them prepared very well. They use scientific curriculum mapping technologies to get the best one ready for the students.

Extensive Homework:

Can you clap single-handedly? You can’t. Actually, nobody can. So, to cooperate with the specialized tutors is your solitary task while being at Credible Eye. Our extensive training classes couple with extensive home assignments that you would need to complete before the next class. Here, you cannot be reluctant at all, for your performance can help you to show up. We have special rewards for the students who do well in these assignments. Make sure you do well and grab the rewards for a stunning as well as productive learning procedure. We believe that our tutors and the students can do it together.

Group Tutoring:

Credible Eye believes that a group tutoring method enhances the sense of competition among the students. They can participate in various learning procedures and try to do better than the rest. You can imagine the impact of the classes when every student participates in the group learning activities. Apart from individual sessions with every student, we make them sit in group classes so that they can explore their readiness when their knowledge gets challenged by others. We have experienced the magical impact of group classes. We are thrilled at the outcomes of these classes!

No-Compromise Attitude Of The Tutors:

Every member of the faculty works with a killer’s instinct as they wish to make every student succeed. They have unique teaching methodologies that they apply to get the best out of the students. They never compromise on the quality at any cost! Possibly, this is one clear reason that makes us a leading SAT/ACT class in Bahrain.

Grab the Opportunity Right Away:

Feeling thrilled? You must be! Your time to join a crash course on SAT/ACT Test starts now. Our next session/batch gets underway on August 10, 2020, and that would take you through by October 10, 2020. So, what are you waiting for? Secure your Scores by joining us!!

Keeping in touch with Credible Eye can put you ahead of other students who are surely your competitors. Make it happen in favor of you this year!

Improve your Sat Skills this summer with CEC’s two month rigorous online SAT/ ACT coaching.

Improve your Sat Skills this summer with CEC’s two month rigorous online SAT/ ACT coaching.

10th August to 10th October

Kindly reserve your seats before the 5th of August as seats are limited.

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Just fill in your details and we’ll call you back.